Sam and Janie Collins
Sam Collins serves as the Field Director for Campus Outreach San Diego. Sam and Janie love to be around college students and engage all types of people. Jesus had a life-changing impact for both of them during college, and they are excited to remain in a position to influence students as they are in that pivotal place in their life. They believe the college campus can be the most strategic mission field in the world. Sam is in his 10th year with CO and was a part of the team that launched CO San Diego in 2012. They love building relationships, and like to be able to have people over to share a meal as they dive into the real things of life. The Collins have a beautiful daughter, Joanna, and enjoy getting to raise her in the midst of doing life with college students.

Favorite Verse: Romans 8:1

Favorite Book: Catcher in the Rye (Sam), The Hobbit (Janie)

Favorite Foods in San Diego: Bahn Thai and Kensington Cafe


Other Staff Members


Berkeley and Carlos Gomez

Sea Choi

Alan Yu

Ella Lentz

Noah Lee

Abby Angalet